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Ben Tracy to Speak on Online Safety and Digital Citizenship

Ben Tracy, founder of Safe Social Network, will share his powerful story with parents and students in grades 3-12 about social media, online safety, and digital citizenship.  While students will hear his presentation at school, parents are invited to join us Wednesday, January 25th at 6:00 p.m. or on Thursday, January 26th at 8:15 a.m. 
The Safe Social Network is a platform that provides helpful guidance and insightful content to assist parents and students as they navigate life in the digital age. The program is rooted in the experience of someone who learned the hard way how comments made online – even as a teen – can be life-altering. Social media posts not only caused Ben to be fired from a high-profile government job and landed him on the cover of one of America’s largest newspapers.
Ben has made it his mission to make sure young adults don’t repeat his mistakes and has taken his message to schools across the country, sharing his story with more than 250,000 students, parents, and young professionals. In addition to his personal story, Ben discusses cyberbullying and how social media impacts mental health. He challenges students to build a school culture that is respectful, kind, and inclusive for all students.
Register your attendance at this link.