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Before the Auction: The Country Fair

Cissy Pope
A hallmark of the Hammond experience has always been the unique sense of community we proudly embrace. The auction, an annual favorite, helps bring the school community together for a good cause. But before there was an auction, Hammond had The Country Fair, a staple of the 1970s. Simple in concept, but big on community, the fair was held in and around the Upper School. Reminiscent of the fall festival, there were booths, pony rides, a general store, and a raffle. In 1974, big ticket raffle items included a pull-along camper and a microwave oven. The winner of the camper received the microwave instead as not enough tickets had been sold to cover the original cost of the camper.
Today’s auction rivals that of anything imagined in the earlier years. Join us this year on April 29th for a taste of and toast to Iceland, this year’s country of study. Tickets may be purchased at this link.