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Head of School Chris Angel Named 10th Headmaster of Baylor School

Chris Angel, a 1989 graduate of Baylor School, has been named Head of School of Baylor beginning July 2021. Hammond’s Board of Trustees unanimously votes to name Hammond Middle School Head Andy North to replace Angel.  Angel has served as head of school at Hammond since 2009, where he previously held the position of head of upper school from 2002. He began his career at his alma mater, Baylor School, where he held a teaching position and several leadership roles. During his tenure at Hammond, the school has seen unprecedented growth through the expansion of unique academic offerings, experiential education opportunities, national recognition among secondary schools, and an expanded footprint to include state-of-the-art facilities and co-curricular programs. Under his leadership, the athletic department was named three-time winner of South Carolina’s most prestigious athletic award, the arts developed an international repertoire, and community service offerings were expanded school-wide.  
North joined Hammond as Head of Middle School in 2019, following 11 years at the Episcopal School of Acadiana, which included various teaching and administrative roles, progressing to Head of Upper School. The Hammond community has been impressed not only with his ability to inspire, but also with the rapport he has developed with faculty, students, and parents alike. His former colleagues at ESA similarly praise his collaborative leadership style, student-centered approach, and breadth of experience.  
According to Angel, “Leaving Hammond in capable hands is very personal. We’ve worked hard to build a school that rivals the finest, and ensuring our mission and vision continue is critical. A year ago, we sought out Andy North, a champion of independent schools who has established himself as a thought leader in the industry.  Since July, he has capably led our Middle School. A native of South Carolina, and a product of independent schools, he is uniquely poised to step into the role of head of school, and has received the unanimous support of our Board of Trustees.  The next 15 months will allow us to work side-by-side to ensure a seamless transition. Without reservation, I am confident he will lead and guide this school community to even greater success. More importantly, I know that Andy is the right fit for Hammond.”    
According to Hammond Board Chairman Read Folline, “Hammond has been extremely fortunate to have a head of school of Chris Angel’s caliber at the helm. His steadfast devotion to this school and community has been integral to the success we have experienced under his leadershipWhile we at Hammond will miss Chris, we consider his appointment a vote of confidence in our school and all that we have accomplished alongside Chris.”  
Angel will continue to serve as head of school at Hammond through the 2020-21 academic year as North transitions into his new role. The school will soon develop a search committee to replace North has Head of Middle School. 