News Detail

The Arts at Hammond

The arts at Hammond enhance the curriculum across all three divisions, and every student participates in some component of our arts program.  While academics has long been recognized as the bedrock of college preparation, the arts play a significant role in the development of the whole child.  Our choral and drama departments have traveled to far parts of the globe, showcasing the talent found within our student body...more often than not to standing ovations.

Beginning in PreK, students are exposed to studio arts, choral music, and drama.  In fourth grade, instrument instruction is added to the curriculum as well as choir--all building for the next level of artistic instruction in the Middle School.

Middle School students choose between band, studio art, choral music, and drama tech, or some combination of several.  By the time students reach the Upper School, they have discovered which means of artistic expression best suits their talents and interests.  The typical Upper School student has been exposed to a variety of artistic endeavors including opportunities to participate in theatre, dance, the Select Ensemble, Hammond's premiere auditioned chorus, studio art, and band.

Many students discover their life's vocation while in Hammond's arts program.  Several alumni are acting in theatres across the country, starring in television shows, or receiving scholarship monies from colleges and universities to further their studies in music or visual arts.  

The arts carefully nurture the multitude of talent we find among our students, and the stars shine!