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Our Spin on the Globe: Country of Study Program

Since 1989, Hammond has been putting a fresh spin on the globe.  The typical student who started school in pre-kindergarten will have visited at least 14 countries by graduation and been exposed to several languages...without ever leaving home.  The Country of Study Program puts the world in Hammond and Hammond in the world...and it's uniquely ours.

Annually, the Parents Association funds three faculty trips to the chosen country of study.  While abroad, teachers immerse themselves in the culture, history, language, and cuisine of the nation--always mindful of incorporating its unique aspects into the curriculum.  Upon their return, travelers make creative and informative presentations at convocation, officially kick-off the year's journey.

So how do we do it?  How do we transport more than 900 students around the world and back every day?  It starts, but doesn't stop, in the classroom.

In the Lower School, students are exposed to literature in the library and in classrooms, explore the country's regions, history, customs, and currency, while learning to make comparisons with our country.  The Kiva, the Lower's School's dining hall, incorporates the country's cuisine into several of their menus.

Middle School instructors also find unique cross-curricular opportunities. Studying currency and comparing its exchange rate to the dollar has proven an interesting way to introduce students to fluctuations in monetary value.  Music classes include traditional songs in their repertoire, and when possible, literature is introduced. Upper School students are treated to assemblies and other opportunities to hear from faculty travelers and experience life in another country.

Perhaps the biggest travel day of the year is Country of Study Day when Lower School classrooms are transformed and students are transported to a different culture through a variety of activities and learning opportunities.  In all three divisions, games, trivia, and authentic cuisine make the experience complete.

You might just say that Hammond takes a nine-month trip to another country, enjoying the sights and sounds of a different culture and celebrating this unique component of our curriculum.